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Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year! It's Resolution Time....Again....

Happy New Year everyone!  Our family had a fun weekend celebrating with friends and some folks from Dave's squadron.  One of his senior NCOs was promoted this week, so he had double reason to celebrate!

As usual, it's time for everyone to come forward with their resolutions.

"I will eat less and exercise more!"

"I will stop using foul language!"

"I will stop spoiling my children!"

I've tried 'em all.  Yet here I am, seemingly no different at the end of the year than I was at the beginning.  One of the very first posts on this particular blog was about the New Year's resolution.  Why use January 1st as an excuse to institute change?  If you want to change, just start changing, right?

This year, I resolve to better manage my time and stop wasting evenings.  I have started vegging in front of the TV and computer more and more after the kids go to bed, when that ought to be more valuable time to get productive stuff done.

In 2008 I had started knitting and crocheting more after the kids went to bed, and since we moved to Florida I'd been doing less of it -- I think the warm weather has something to do with it, but it's now wintertime and I need to get going again.  It's so much more productive than just staring at a screen all evening.

Who else made resolutions?

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