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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Oops, I Did It Again!

Well, it looks like my flapping of the gums has once again made it into mainstream media....

For those unaware, I had written a blog post about the USAF's "Above All" campaign of 2008.  It was a positive discussion about it, a little tongue-in-cheek at worst.  I think I make mention of videogaming teenagers perhaps being the target of some of the commercials.

Later that week, the Shreveport Times published an article about the ad campaign, and mentioned folks in the blogosphere approving the campaign and citing my blog as an example. I was flattered.

It happened again this week. My pontifications online have found their way into the hands of the media.

This time, it's regarding some of The Weather Channel's programming choices. And this time, it was via my Twitter feed.   I don't think this will sink any fleets.  In particular, on April 23rd, there was some significant severe weather forecast locally, and TWC proceeded in showing their "Flick and a Forecast" -- a weather themed movie, which that night was "The Avengers". I was really really mad about this. I had a few conversations on Facebook with people about it, discussing how these decisions are purely driven by the wants of the advertisers, who'd prefer to sell time for programs that keep the viewers on The Weather Channel for 30 minutes or more. "Your Local on the 8s" doesn't sell advertising.

On April 30th, severe weather was predicted again, and this time TWC elected to not show their Flick and a Forecast film in the areas impacted by the storms. Jim Cantore tweeted about this and I had replied that I thought that was smart of them.

Yes, I follow Jim Cantore on Twitter. I've always been a fan of his weather-weenie-ness, since I was a teenager.

Here's the article that came out yesterday. No, it isn't the New York Times or Huffington Post, and I have to give props to Dave's friend Britt King who found this...I'm not sure I would have known about it otherwise.

This certainly isn't a big deal, any more than anything, it's a reminder to Twitter users that your tweets are VERY public domain. Watch what you say -- it could end up in someone's blog a month later.

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