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Hot Stuff

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Thursday, May 8, 2008

Hot Stuff

The latest laptop trauma: I believe the fan has stopped working. Our weather station receiver that feeds the outdoor weather to our websites also has a local thermometer and while it used to read the ambient temperature pretty well next to my laptop, it's now reading the mid-80s consistently.

Maybe that's why it arbitrarily reboots itself every 24-30 hours or so...

We are really, truly coming to the end of this kitchen laptop's service life. A few weeks ago, the one-year-old battery stopped carrying a charge. It keeps itself at about 5%, just enough for me to run across the house to plug it into a living room outlet.

But there's a silver lining! When Dave is finished with his PhD program and he starts at his new position at Air Force Weather Agency, his Gateway laptop will stay home! Yay! Mine is circa 2000, his is from 2006! Just a couple more months to go...

It's now sitting atop a small cookie/cake cooling rack. Let's see if that helps.

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At Thursday, May 8, 2008 at 8:33:00 PM CDT , Blogger Morgan said...

congrats on the house that is just amazing!


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