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Happy Boxing Day! I KNOW You're Wondering....

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Monday, December 26, 2011

Happy Boxing Day! I KNOW You're Wondering....

Fox hunting is now illegal in the UK, but Boxing Day is still the country's biggest hunting day, with the hounds searching for a "dragged scent" instead of a real animal.
Happy Boxing Day!  I know for Americans, this is the day we get in lines to return gifts, and hit the mobs of shoppers grabbing wrapping paper, Christmas trees and strings of lights at at least 50% of off!  The retail industry has even termed the day "Mega Monday".  For most nations in the Commonwealth of Nations, the day AFTER Christmas is also a holiday: Boxing Day.

Have you ever wondered what exactly Boxing Day is?  Is it a day where everyone watches boxing?

According to Wikipedia, the origins of Boxing Day seem to come from a tradition where wealthier citizens would give gifts -- boxed gifts -- to their servants or other trademen in service to them (such as their cobbler or ice delivery man) on the first weekday AFTER Christmas...this is when servants would usually get an extra day off, also.

Check out the Wiki for more information.

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