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This is a New One...Blog TV

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Friday, July 3, 2009

This is a New One...Blog TV

We met our new neighbors -- Dave and Jamie, and their two sons. They live in the house behind us.  Yes, even more boys to top off the overflowing supply of little boys in our little corner of Bellevue. Just kidding, since two boys left that house, with two more to replace things it's still even.

Dave-the-Neighbor and Dave-the-Husband seem to get along really well, exchanging beers and fireworks tonight, and will probably do the same tomorrow night.

We also exchanged website addresses and I've been intrigued by Dave-the-Neighbor's "Blog TV" site. (I got permission to put the website out there for the world to see). Dave-the-Husband and I both checked it out and it's a rather interesting concept. Dave-the-Neighbor merely sets up in his basement, doing what he usually does on his computer, whether it's paying bills or e-mailing friends, but he has his webcam on, and we can hear whatever he's listening to on iTunes. He takes requests, and if you have something to discuss, he has a chat capability up such that you can chime in on anything. If you become a Blog TV subscriber, you can also hook up your own webcam and do that type of talking.

Since I've met Dave-the-Neighbor in person, and his wife, and his children, and I know where he lives...and where he works, I checked out the website without any qualms. But it's certainly a brassy thing to do, to put yourself out there LIVE.

Dave-the-Neighbor's site is neat, but I'll definitely stick to my primitive mainly-text blog! I don't think I have the commitment for the live online stuff --

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