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S.C. Route 441 Near Dalzell, SC

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Monday, July 14, 2008

S.C. Route 441 Near Dalzell, SC

Okay, if you're a USAF Safety Officer, stop reading!
I drilled at Shaw AFB this past Sunday and Monday. I left the office at about 4pm and drove east from the base, behind a cold front that brought thunderstorms to the base about an hour earlier.
So I was behind the line of thunderstorms driving out of town and saw this beautiful cloud. I photographed it through my front windshield with my phone and then e-mailed it to my blog.
Yes, I was driving while I did it, but I didn't have to type anything more than "v", the first character of the e-mail address that sends the pic to the blog.
This cloud is GORGEOUS and I had to share it with the world.
Today was the last drive I'd be making between Shaw AFB and the Raleigh area, so today I took a more scenic route that didn't seem to add more than a couple minutes to my trip. It was nice to drive past the cotton, corn and tobacco fields. The variety was certainly nicer than what I'll be seeing in Nebraska!

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